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Spring time and sunshine!

This week we have continued with our growing theme. The children sowed some grass seed in preparation for our topic after the Easter holidays. Sunflower and carrots seeds and strawberry plants were also planted. The children enjoyed some Easter themed activities including making Easter cards using potato printing and singing some Easter songs and rhymes. Some of the children wrote labels for our sunflower seeds. Painting spring flowers was a popular activity too this week.

The children have been busy, with a focus on encouraging muscle strengthening of the hand and fingers. A dough disco, threading Easter eggs and large scale free drawing have all helped with this important area of development. They have also been building and measuring towers with the large foam blocks then recording their findings.

Next week we will be finishing our Easter crafts, filming our Easter song extravaganza and enjoying some chocolatey treats with an Egg hunt. We finish on Thursday for our holidays!

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